Dear compatriots!
At these moments, when the New Year 2021 comes, I cordially congratulate all the glorious people of the country and compatriots abroad, I wish every citizen of Tajikistan, first of all, good health and prosperity, a calm, prosperous life, happiness and cordiality.
The outgoing year 2020 will go down in the history of mankind as one of the most difficult in every sense of the word.
Recall that due to the rapid coronavirus pandemic in the countries of the world, more than 1 million 600 thousand people have lost their lives, and the world economy has suffered heavy losses.
Despite the negative impact of external factors, especially the spread of the infectious disease coronavirus, which led to a significant decrease in the growth of the world economy, including in Tajikistan, as a result of timely measures taken by the Government of the country, sustainable development of the national economy as a whole was ensured, and in the life of society and in positive shifts and changes continued in various areas of the economy.
Thanks to this, 2020, despite the many problems and challenges, will be inscribed in the modern history of our country as a period of selfless labor and an unprecedented expansion of improvement and construction work in the name of the prosperity of our beloved Motherland.
During this period, with the support of the patriotic people of the country and thanks to the initiatives of the generous soul of entrepreneurs, many creative plans were implemented.
In 2020, the Government of the country mobilized all available resources to create favorable conditions for a dignified life for citizens.
Including to solve problems in social spheres, in science and education, culture and health, the tasks of women and youth, to support vulnerable sectors of society, educate adolescents and youth in the spirit of patriotism and national identity, as well as create new jobs, a number of specific measures.
Along with this, I want to emphasize one important issue: although the infectious disease – coronavirus in our country has almost disappeared, we must continue to remain vigilant and be on the alert, not indulge in carelessness and negligence, we must strictly follow the recommendations of doctors and specialists, the rules of personal and public hygiene.
Because the increase in the incidence of this disease in people in some countries of the world is taking a new turn.
Dear compatriots!
The holding this year in an atmosphere of freedom, democracy and transparency of two important political events – elections of deputies to the Majlisi Namoyandagon, local Majlises of people’s deputies and the election of the President of the country – is a clear, convincing and compelling proof of the strength of peace and tranquility, political stability, national unity, widespread approval political and legal culture of the citizens of our republic and can be recognized as a great achievement of the political system of independent Tajikistan.
The celebrations of the 5500th anniversary of the ancient city of Sarazm and the 700th anniversary of the outstanding son of the nation, who came down to us through the millennia with honor and pride, Kamola Khujandi, which were held by the decision of the authoritative international organization UNESCO, can be regarded as an important achievement of our people in 2020 in the direction of honoring the historical and cultural values inherited from our glorious ancestors.
Also, holding a number of public events with the wide and active participation of representatives of various words of society, such as “Wisdom of the dawn, radiance …”, “Tajikistan – my beloved homeland”, is a kind and memorable event and phenomenon of 2020.
The aim of the initiatives of the state leadership is to increase the level of literacy and enlightenment of members of society, first of all, adolescents and young people, instilling in them a sense of patriotism, national identity, respect for the ancient language, history and culture of Tajiks, expanding the scientific and technical worldview and the development of natural and exact sciences …
Taking this opportunity, I congratulate and pay tribute to all the participants in these events, especially the winners of the competitions, and I have no doubt that they will continue to be active and proactive in all spheres of the country’s scientific and cultural life.
It is necessary that in 2021 and subsequent years such events and competitions are also held with a high sense of responsibility, greater preparedness and with the involvement of as many participants as possible.
In the New Year 2021, we will celebrate a great and sacred holiday for every resident – the 30th anniversary of the State independence of our beloved country, I am sure that our patriotic people and always striving for creative creation with significant achievements will meet this historical and fateful date for the Tajik state.
According to the analysis of specialists, experts from leading international organizations, including the United Nations, 2021 will be one of the most difficult years in terms of food security in the world over the past 100 years.
In addition, more than 270 million people in dozens of countries will face hunger and poverty as a result of a severe economic and financial crisis, a precipitous decline in production, unprecedented growth in unemployment, food shortages and higher prices.
This prompts us to start comprehensive preparatory work on spring sowing, rational and fruitful use of every inch of arable land, including household plots and presidential plots, it is necessary to attach paramount importance to the use of high-quality seeds for the maximum production of agricultural products, ensuring food security and meeting the needs of the population in food products.
It is worth noting that today the residents of the country feel and realize the results of the appeal of the Head of State in April 2020 to increase the area for sowing potatoes, grain crops and accelerate re-sowing.
Taking into account the aforementioned problems regarding food, we must continue this work in 2021, work with greater dedication in order to prevent a shortage of products and a rise in prices in the consumer market. This is necessary in order for the people of Tajikistan to avoid food shortages and the consequences associated with this.
It is also necessary that every family takes seriously the issue of economy and frugality in all spheres of life, first of all, the economical use of electricity, food products and the categorical observance of the Law “On the ordering of traditions, celebrations and ceremonies.”
Our dear compatriots should remember that due to population growth, a regular increase in the number of social institutions, manufacturing enterprises and workshops, the need for electricity is also growing rapidly.
Taking this into account, I once again appeal to all residents of Tajikistan: if we want to spend the winter without problems and difficulties, so that there is no need to limit the supply of electricity, every family, every organization and institution, every enterprise and workshop, regardless of the form of ownership, must give priority to the economical and rational use of electricity in winter.
In these conditions, every patriotic resident of the country and a member of society who is not indifferent to its fate should mobilize all their strengths and capabilities with a sense of high responsibility to prevent the consequences of the severe world economic and financial crisis, ensure the sustainable development of our independent Tajikistan, improve the image and authority of our beloved country. in the international arena.
It is necessary that every citizen who loves the Motherland, every family, and the entire people contribute to the improvement and construction work planned as part of the celebration of the sacred national holiday – the 30th anniversary of State independence. Remember that every family is primarily obliged to improve and maintain clean and tidy their homes and dwellings, streets and places of residence.
The Tajik people, at all times and now striving for creation and improvement, always with hope for new good achievements, are optimistic about the future, and therefore I declare with confidence that we will work together and selflessly for the greater prosperity of our beloved Motherland, raising and improving the level and quality of life of the people, ensuring a happy life for the citizens of the country and taking steady steps along the path of achieving new successes and conquering even greater heights.
I declare with confidence that in the new year, despite the negative influence of external factors, the glorious people of Tajikistan will direct all their strengths, aspirations and opportunities to further improve our beloved Motherland, improve and increase the level and quality of life, promote and develop our independent state.
I hope that the New Year 2021, the year of the great national holiday, will become a period of selfless work and aspirations, loyal service of every citizen to the Motherland and the state, a year of strengthening the achievements that became possible during the period of independence, a year of strengthening the pillars of sovereign statehood, national unity and stability in society.
Once again, I sincerely congratulate everyone who is always distinguished by a feeling of love for the Motherland and a firm unshakable will, all our compatriots abroad with the onset of the New 2021 and I wish everyone a happy life, success, abundance in life, and our beloved Tajikistan – a bright, comfortable and peaceful future.
Happy New Year, dear compatriots!